Building Operations Weekly


Signing into Canvas is mandatory – please ensure you take the time to sign up as soon as possible if you have not done so already.  We also have an upcoming mandatory SRS COVID-19 course that all staff will need to take, this course will be delivered via Canvas and all staff will need to be signed in to take the course. 

Managers are receiving completion reports and will be following up with all staff that have not yet signed into Canvas.  

Signing up for Canvas is easy and takes ten minutes to do

Canvas is UBC’s Learning Management System. This is a new platform which holds all of UBC’s mandatory and elective courses. When you complete training on Canvas, it is tracked for you.

Canvas will be integrated with Workday so that all your UBC training, including safety training, is tracked in one place. You will be able to check yourself to ensure that all your training is up to date.

All UBC staff members must log into Canvas at least once so that training administrators can add you to courses in future. 

*You must use the link provided below to sign-in, please do not simply google Canvas, as this will default you to the incorrect link. 

*You will need to use multi-factor authentication to sign into Canvas. If you use a token for MFA, please be sure to bring your token home with you  

Go to and Login with your CWL and password (full instructions included in the how to guide provided by your Head/Manager) 


We are excited to see that readership and employee engagement with our weekly newsletter are at an all-time high.  Over the last several weeks, we have seen newsletter readership rise to roughly 40% of staff each week, with about 360-370+ unique newsletter openings weekly.

Our tracking system only counts readers that have right clicked and downloaded the photos, so it is possible that these numbers are even higher!

The newsletter continues to be a great resource for all employees, highlighting important updates, need to know information and support with health and well-being. If you are a regular newsletter reader, we ask you to please encourage colleagues to read the newsletter regularly to be sure they are in the know and better engaged with their Building Operations team.


Today marks 100 days until Planon Go Live at the beginning of November!  Currently, an iterative process is underway to complete two configurations of the software, test the results, and seek feedback from staff to ensure Planon will meet our operational needs. 

Starting this month, we’ll turn our attention to identifying adjustments to our current business processes that are needed to align with Planon workflows. This means:

  • a change from some paper to electronic forms
  • transferring data captured and maintained in spreadsheets today to Planon
  • and retirement of other manual processes that may be addressed by either Planon or Workday (for HR and Finance activities)

Next up: Planon deployment and sustainment planning to support staff.


Lab clearance forms must be posted on the lab entrance by the PI to ensure entry for Building Operations staff when project work or major maintenance work is required (Level 2). The PI or other designate will fill out the lab clearance form as per SRS policy I-B-28 and post the form outside of the lab so that our crews know that it is safe to enter, as per our policy, a lab clearance form is not required for Custodial cleaning.   

Lab hours have changed and if a lab is being used outside of the hours below this sign will be posted (see sample of the sign below). Please do not enter to clean the lab if this signage is on the lab door. 

Approved Lab hours:

For Buildings that have labs with 1-Shift per Day

  • Building can be accessible from 7:00 a.m.–6:00p.m Monday to Friday 
  • Buildings must be vacated by 6:00p.m. for proper cleaning

For Buildings that have labs with 2-Shifts per Day: 

  • Shift 1: Building can be accessible for Shift 1 from 7:00a.m.-12:00 p.m. 
  • Shift 1: lab must be vacated by 12:00p.m. 
  • Shift 2: Lab is accessible from 3:30 p.m.–8:00p.m. 
  • Shift 2: Building must be vacated by 8:00p.m. 

In some special case where research has been approved by the Principal Investigator (PI) the lab can be used 24/7. And the PI will ensure signage is on this lab and our staff is not to enter this space unless for emergency purposes.



Returning to work after six weeks under the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown can cause differing amounts of emotions – disbelief, fear and even anger – among us, much like after a disaster. Some of us will gladly head back to campus while others may do so with trepidation, and that’s okay. Each of our lives have been altered and directly impacted by this crisis and our responses will be different. 

Returning to work during a pandemic is new territory for all of us, and we must have patience with ourselves an others while we navigate the process. It is going look a little different when our return to work happens and the emotional impact of doing so may begin to surface. It is important that we all watch out for each other and watch for signs of emotional impact of the pandemic over the coming weeks and months, to ensure everyone is finding their way back to a new normal. 

UBC Resources

  • Healthy UBC Newsletter

  • Tools to assess your current state of mental health

  • Strategies for building your mental health

  • 30 Day Mindfulness Challenge

  • The Not Myself Today Initiative

  • Virtual Physical Activity

  • Extended health benefits

  • Employee Family Assistance Program

  • Assisting Staff in Distress


As a UBC and Facilities employee, it is imperative that you are familiar with all of the Policies and Procedures that guide and govern how we work.  Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the new I-A-PR18 procedure:

New Procedure: Graffiti Removal, I-A-PR18

Graffiti Definition

“Graffiti” means one or more letters, symbols, marks or imagery; affixed, adhered or applied without permission on any structure or thing, inside a building or in the public realm, on the UBC Vancouver campus. 

Graffiti is not permitted to be placed on campus unless approved and/or on a designated structure: Designated structures include: 

  • poster poles, poster boards or other clearly defined structures inside a building or within the public realm; 
  • public chalkboards; 
  • the Engineering cairn; or 
  • structures approved by Campus and Community Planning. 

Removal of Offensive Content

“Offensive” means profane (swearing), hateful/disparaging/aggressive to individuals or groups (eg. swastikas), sexually explicit or any other graffiti that may need to be interpreted by Media Relations.


Our New Employee Orientation (NEO) is now available to Building Operations new hires as a course on Canvas.  The NEO Canvas course includes all NEO modules that were held in class, including; welcome message and updated welcome slide deck, introduction to Safety and Risk Services, mandatory safety training links, introduction to Human Resources, Fleet and Procurement, Introduction to Customer Services and a review of our policies and procedures.  This is the first time that all NEO components have been consolidated onto one platform, with everything easily available and in one place for Building Operations new hires, which will be a great addition to the overall employee onboarding experience. 

Having NEO as on on-line course will have many advantages including:

  • New hires do not need to wait until the first or third week of the month to attend an in person NEO, they can get started on their first day
  • There is no minimum attendance, so NEO sessions won’t need to be rescheduled and onboarding further delayed
  • New hires can work at their own pace, supervisors and managers can allow roughly 2 hours a day during the employees first week to complete NEO 

Thank you to everyone who supported and provided on-line friendly content for the course. 

We do understand the need for an in-person welcome session for new hires. We are evaluating what this could potentially look like (monthly welcome coffee for example) and will implement an in-person component to NEO once we are back to a more normalized state on-campus.  

Managers, you are encouraged to enroll in the course and take a look through so that you are familiar with the course content: 


TIP:   A household emergency plan is an important part of how you and your family will respond after a disaster. Your plan will help you gather the relevant information and documents you will need and allow you to reconnect with loved ones should you be apart during the event. 

Make sure to carry a copy of your plan with you, and to practice it on a regular basis.

For more information about making a plan, visit Government of BC’s website at: