Building Operations Weekly

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Missed the Aquatic Centre mechanical systems presentation? Link to video presentation available

We continue to improve our new building and new asset handover processes. One of the key milestones in any new building handover is getting demonstrations and training on the new systems and equipment. When we understand what we are responsible to operate and maintain we can do a much better job of it.

Last Thursday we had a presentation on “The New Aquatic Center – Mechanical Design Intention” by Alex Chou, Project Mechanical Engineer. This offered staff a high level perspective of how the Mechanical Systems were designed to operate so in the future if/when there are issues…and there will be issues…we are better informed and equipped to resolve quickly. That way we can provide great service to Athletics and maintain and operate the equipment and systems at the total lowest cost to the University.

For anyone who could not attend and for any new staff that might get assigned work in this facility, we arranged for a video crew to capture the training so now the presentation can be referenced directly via the video. Please refer to link for the presentation: Mechanical Design Intent for Aquatic Center

QMI Occupancy estimated for mid-March

Occupancy for the new QMI facility is anticipated for mid-March, with demonstrations and systems handover at the end of March. Please note these dates are subject to changes due to site and construction schedule.

Orchard/Vantage College Official Handover Notice to Building Operations and System Owners

While Vantage college has been occupying their space in Orchard since last August, only recently the mechanical challenges have been resolved and UBCPT is ready to handover operations and maintenance to Building Operations. Delineation between the Vantage spaces and the SHHS spaces is complete and all zone trades and OEs assigned to these spaces should be up to speed on what our responsibility is and what lays with SHHS. Should you have any further questions please contact FM Francois Desmarais.

Please be reminded there are still some remaining items to be delivered from the Development Manager (UBCPT), as per the UBCPT/UBCPS contractual obligations and the UBC Technical Guidelines. John Sacre will continue to coordinate obtaining these items with the transition team designates.

Public Realm: Dentistry Courtyard 80-90% Construction Site Review Meeting

We have had so much success with new building handover that we have started to apply the same process/principles to new landscape handover. Last Friday there was an onsite review meeting as the Dentistry Courtyard project was nearing 80-90% of construction. The intention of the meeting was to bring up any key issues and concerns now rather that when the project is completed, and with representation from all teams involved. This included: Jeff Nulty and Deborah Capps from Building Operations; Michael Beza from UBC Properties Trust; the Project Contractor; and Doug Doyle from UBC Sustainability and Engineering.

Overall the feedback was very positive and open. The two remaining items to be delivered are:

  • Irrigation Demonstration: to be scheduled for early April.
  • UPCPT to provide end dates for warranty period and contract maintenance period.

CEME JBM Scarfe Washroom upgrades

As part of the 2016/17 minor capital renewal program many washrooms on campus were renewed. This week’s handovers to Building Operations include CEME, JBM and Scarfe. Generally these washrooms received renewal to the end of life vanities and sinks, flooring, and urinals and wherever possible accessibility improvements were made. In each location a mini handover walkthrough was performed so the FMs and zone trades to learn from the project manager what is new and where key things like water shut off locations are. These walkthroughs took only 20 minutes but will save us a ton of time planning maintenance and responding to issues because we now know about the space.  Here are some pictures of CEME before and after.

Fuel Efficient Driving Techniques

In addition to the driver training sessions, Steve Henzel, Manager of Fleet and Inventory, identifies additional strategies to manage fuel more efficiently while driving. NR-Can offers 5 main suggestions to cut fuel consumption and emissions by as much as 25%:

  1. Accelerate gently
  2. Maintain a steady speed
  3. Anticipate traffic
  4. Avoid high speeds
  5. Coast to decelerate

There are intentional synergies between this content and our fuel efficient driving policy I-C-07. While they are all excellent points, please pay special attention to the importance of driving at a steady pace.

“Be consistent. Unintentional dips in speed and sudden bursts of acceleration to keep pace take a toll on your tank—and your wallet. In fact, tests have shown that varying your speed up and down between 75 km/h and 85 km/h every 18 seconds can increase your fuel use by 20%.”

UBC Bus Loop now closed, see map for new locations

As of this week, all bus stops in the UBC (diesel) Bus Loop will move to Wesbrook Mall until Summer 2019. This affects the 99 B-Line, 25, 33, 41, 43, 49, and 480. The New UBC Bus Exchange is open for drop-offs only. Learn more at

Review the map to see access paths and new bus stop locations.

Kudos to teams from VP Finance & Operations Andrew Simpson

“I also want to note a few thanks. We have all experienced a challenging winter, with snow and ice that have hampered access to and from the campus, as well as our daily navigation around the campus.

I want to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of the teams within Building Operations—and other teams—who have so tirelessly worked to keep the campus open and accessible during these difficult days and weeks. I know a number of our staff have at times stayed overnight on campus in order to be working in the earliest hours of the morning readying the campus for the next day. Even so, it was often a struggle to stay ahead of some of the most challenging weather.

Please accept my enormous thanks for your work!”

Taken from:

Quick Updates

Welcome: Sat Narayan

NPS score increased to 86% with 8 new promoters and 1 new detractor