Building Operations Weekly

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APPA Peer Reviewers have a positive visit to our campus: generally, pleased and impressed

As many of you know UBC Building Operations has been participating in the APPA Facilities Maintenance Evaluation Program (FEMP). The first step of this program, which was undertaken in June, was to complete a self-evaluation submission. Next step was for a team of APPA-appointed peer reviewers to visit our campus so that they could complete a thorough review of our operations.

Many thanks to the over 50 BO staff and many additional E&WS, ID staff, and clients who took the time to meet with them, teach them a bit about what we do, and to answer their questions. In the coming weeks these reviewers will be publishing a formal report. However, before they left, they met with BOLT and Andrew Simpson, the VP Finance and Operations, to share their key findings, observations, and recommendations.

Generally, they were pretty pleased and impressed with what they saw. It was excellent confirmation that we are heading in the right direction and gives us the confidence to move our initiatives forward utilizing the skill and experience of our whole staff team so we can continue to create better outcomes for our campus.

Well done everyone! Thanks for being a part of a very positive experience for UBC Building Operations that will pay us dividends for years to come. We will discuss the complete findings more broadly in the fall staff town halls.

Volunteers needed for Ice Cream Social on August 23: contact Caroline Soriano

Whether you’re here during the day or evening shift, Building Operations’ Ice Cream Social 2017 is coming on August 23.

To make the event a success for everyone, we will need a few volunteers to help with set up and break down of some of the events.

We also need volunteers for the pie eating contest—Bill Guest (day shift) and Wilma Bernales (evening shift), it’s time to prove yourselves the champions once again!

Contact Caroline Soriano to let her know you’re available to help or are ready to set the new pie eating record.

Refurbished Hennings basement washrooms helps improve our FCI

The basement washrooms in Hennings building were recently refurbished as one of the projects identified through our Routine Capital Renewal Program.  If you haven’t been through the building in a while, here are some before and after pictures which show the transformation of the space.

These kinds of projects help to reduce our Facility Condition Index (FCI) and will make our trades and custodial teams jobs a little easier in keeping the space maintained.

Reddit user appreciates Building Operation’s update to Nest faucets

The Plumbers are “internet famous” after receiving praise for their recent work updating the faucets in bathrooms at the Nest.

“Thank you to whoever is responsible for changing the faucets in the nest bathroom. Previously they came out horizontally and you could hardly get your hands under without touching the basin”, goes the title of a post submitted by reddit user pvm_64.

The original fixtures were the subject of several complaints from users of the Nest, as they made it difficult to wash hands without the sink getting in the way. They also had no shut-off access and were difficult to for us to maintain. So crew members from our plumbing shop stepped in to come up with a solution, which came in the form of new faucets which are easier to maintain, allow for shut-off, and are curved, making it easier to wash your hands.

It seems many other users of the Nest appreciate the improvement as well, as the post was recently the most popular on UBC’s community-run Reddit forum. Special thanks go to Paul, Clay, Mike and Luke in Plumbing, who worked together to devise a solution that could be applied to all the bathrooms at the Nest.

West Mall single lane traffic between Kenny Building and Swing Space for last three weeks of August

West Mall will be down to a single lane of traffic between Kenny Building and Swing Space for last three weeks of August to accommodate scaffolding and VacAttack trucks working on the Kenny Building. Traffic control persons will be placed on either end of the closure. If required, a photo map is available from your head.

Loading ramp and dock at south end of Henry Angus will be closed all day Friday, August 11th

The loading ramp and dock at the south end of the Henry Angus will be closed for the full day this Friday, August 11th.

No access will be available to either the loading bay or ramp as BOLD works to uncover a manhole. If required, a photo map is available from your head.

Rob MacDonald is coordinating with building clients. Work is expected to be complete the same day.

Partial closure of Strangway parking lot August 14th-17th

From Monday August 14th to Thursday August 17th, half of the underground parking of the Strangway lot will be closed for pest control work.  This will affect some monthly parking stalls. A few temporary monthly stalls have been created at street level for the duration of the work. Temporary signs will indicate these stalls are not for public to use.

If one of these temporary stalls is unavailable , please park at Health Parkade (in the patient parking area in the lower level, not the assigned reserved stalls), at Thunderbird Parkade, or in one of the public pay parking stalls at the Strangway lot. Please leave a message with your plate number and parking location at 604 822 4621 to avoid a parking ticket.

If required, a photo map is available from your head.

Quick Updates

NPS score decreased to 77% with 3 new promoters & 1 new detractor.

Welcome to UBC: Michael Nichols and Manuel Schrempp

Save the Date–Wednesday, August 23–Ice Cream Social