All elevators are not engineered for the same purpose. Some are designed as passenger elevators, some as service elevators, and some as freight elevators. Within each elevator type, there are also multiple Elevator Loading Classifications.
Most elevators at UBC are passenger elevators classified as ‘Loading Class A’. If you are unsure of the loading class of an elevator, always treat the elevator as having ‘Loading Class A’.
- No single person or item shall weigh more than 25% of the posted ‘Maximum Capacity’ of the elevator system (i.e., although the capacity of the elevator may be 2,000 lbs, the actual limit of a one-piece load is 500 lbs).
- The load must be evenly distributed when manual or hand truck loading up to the stated capacity of the elevator car. The weight of the hand truck and equipment must be included as part of the 25% loading restriction.
For more information on Elevator Loading Class, please refer to the information and diagram at the end of this page.
How do I get information about moving a piece of equipment into an elevator?
You can submit a Service Request to the Facilities Manager. Please include in the Service Request information regarding the equipment’s dimensions and weight, as well as when you are planning to move the equipment. If you have the ‘shop drawings’ of the equipment being moved, it is always best to submit these drawings as an attachment.
Can I just call someone when I need to move something that weighs more than 25% of the posted in elevator maximum loading?
The department’s elevator use may conflict with your planned use. All requests need to be pre-arranged and planned through with the Facilities Manager. The Facilities Manager will know what other business or events are scheduled to occur in the facility at the time you are planning to move the equipment.
Can I use a pallet jack to load a piece of equipment or other materials into an elevator?
All freight or equipment movements in elevators that require the use of a pallet jack should only be done with the proper preparation to prevent damage. The following shall be adhered to:
- Facilities Manager notified and load information provided.
- Ensure total load weight including pallet jack does not exceed elevator Loading Class.
- ‘Independent Service’ key requested from the Facilities Manager. When using a pallet jack, the elevator car is in Independent Service Mode.
- Training provided by Building Operations’ Elevator Maintenance Crew on the proper use of the elevator while operating in Independent Service Mode.
- Use of plywood to bridge the hallway floor and elevator car floor.
- Care must be taken not to make contact to the sides of the opening or “ram” the load against the back of the elevator car.
How do I request information on the Loading Class of an elevator in the building?
At this time, we do not have all elevator Loading Class information recorded. A plan is in place to have this information made available to the Facilities Managers in the future. Please continue to send all requests through to your Facilities Manager, and they will ensure to provide you with the necessary information. If this is a request for information with no planned date for moving a piece of equipment, the priority will be set as low and response time may take longer.
Class A Loading: Most passenger elevator systems and standard freight elevators are designed as Class A, or “General Freight Loading”. The actual amount of a one-piece load being moved on to or off of the elevator cannot exceed 25% of the stated capacity of the elevator system.
Class B Loading: Freight elevators that are intended for the transport of motor vehicles only, up to the stated capacity of the elevator system.
Class C Loading:
Class C1 Loading: Industrial truck loading/unloading of the elevator system. The combined weight of the industrial truck and the load cannot exceed the stated capacity of the elevator. The loading device can remain on the elevator during operation.
Class C2 Loading: Allows for the loading of the platform at 150% of the stated capacity of the elevator. In most cases, this allows for a one-piece load that equals the capacity of the elevator to be loaded with a forklift or motorized lift truck to the platform of the elevator.
Class C3 Loading: Allows for heavy concentration loading where the static load during loading and unloading does not exceed the rated load. The combined weight of the load and equipment must not exceed the stated capacity of the elevator system. Class C3 elevator is most often designated to support single piece loads equal to the capacity of the elevator.
*Elevator loading class information and diagrams provided by Delta Elevator Co Ltd.