Bulletin board

A bulletin board is used to post information in a way that is accessible to most staff members; it is a source for routine news and upcoming events and a secondary source for more important information initially conveyed face to face or by other means.

Good for

Any department


  • It is a good place to share required information (WHMIS/OH&S, emergency procedures, etc.) that is of interest to most staff.
  • A consistent message is provided.
  • Emergency information is easily accessible.
  • It informs all employees, including those without computer access.
  • Timely information can easily be communicated to staff.


  • Inappropriate information can be posted.
  • If you post safety information–like fire exit procedures–on the bulletin board, reinforce this communication in other ways. No one will look at the bulletin board when the fire alarm starts to sound.
  • It can quickly become out of date and cluttered.


Information on a bulletin board usually falls into one of two categories:

  1. long-term information of interest to all staff (health and safety, fire exits, etc.)
  2. short-term information (United Way events, community events, etc.)

In many cases, a bulletin board can be located in a public, high-traffic area. In other cases, it is better to have it in an area that is accessible only to staff (lunchroom, etc.). Regardless, the information should be short and concise, easily understood in passing. As well, there are issues about privacy/confidentiality. For example, an employee may feel uncomfortable leafing through employment opportunities if the person they report to might see them.

Someone should be delegated to manage the content on a bulletin board to ensure that the postings remain relevant and appropriate. Unless the information must be posted to comply with legislation, each document should have a “take-down” date.