Building Operations digital sign network

A regular department-wide publication, to which employees are encouraged to actively contribute, that can be used to provide general information to all employees.

Good for

Sharing information instantly into all Building Operations sites


  • When staff lack reliable computer access, a digital sign network can get the headlines and brief updates to them
  • A consistent message reaches all employees, regardless of classification or location.
  • Employees can contribute.
  • Employees can learn about other units in the department.
  • Can be a recognition/incentive tool.


  • Production requirements for display advertising can make this a time-consuming option.
  • Employee buy-in and participation may be slow to develop (or might never develop).
  • It can be time consuming for the editor; other work responsibilities must be taken into account.


The digital sign network within building operations is part of the UBC-wide network, but it typically contains only Building Operations-specific content. It is typically used to reinforce or expand on other communication tools. Content options include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • New/departing staff, promotions, transfers
  • Employee recognition: e.g., long service awards, training, graduation
  • General announcements
  • Pre-announcing new policies or procedures
  • Kudos for accomplishments: e.g., our response during a blizzard
  • Corporate or social events
  • Promotion for United Way or other charitable projects
  • Health and wellness information
  • Marriage, birth, and death announcements

Content must always reflect public service goals of tolerance and inclusivity and remain apolitical.

The digital sign network in Building Operations is also part of our content generation system. Many of the items included on the screens are included automatically in our weekly email newsletter.

Next steps

Information on digital signage is both brief and short lived. If the information need more depth, use the digital sign as only a reminder and make sure the in-depth information is available though other channels such as email, email newsletter, or crew talks.