New poster cylinders create safe space for students’ promotions

With hundreds of student clubs and events on campus each term, walls and boards are often plastered in paper posters, and sometimes these posters find their way on to benches and trees.

This can be damaging to the asset but we realized that there weren’t any great spots to place posters within the campus public realm; Building Operations invested in a number of poster cylinders, installed on light poles around campus, for students to display their poster advertisements.

These cylinders provide an aesthetically-pleasing and safe space for posters in visible locations.

For our crews, these designated areas reduce the burden of clearing hard-to-remove posters placed in inappropriate locations. Now, we can periodically—and efficiently—remove posters to reveal a fresh cylinder surface available for the next blitz of promotions.

Curious about the official policy for posters on campus? Give it a quick skim on the University Counsel’s website.